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قسم نظم المعلومات

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قسم نظم المعلومات من الأقسام الأساسية في كلية علوم الحاسوب وتقنية المعلومات، ويمنح الطالب درجة البكالوريوس في نظم المعلومات بعد اكماله بنجاح 135 ساعة معتمدة، حسب متطلبات القسم العلمي وبمعدل لا يقل عن 2 نقطة من مجموع 4 نقاط، و في فترة ثمان فصول دراسية. ويجوز للطالب التخرج في مدة لا تقل عن 7 فصول اعتيادية أو 6 فصول اعتيادية وفصلين صيفيين، على أن لاتتجاوز عدد 10 فصول دراسية في تخصص نظم المعلومات.

يسعى قسم نظم المعلومات أن يكون متميزاً في مجال نظم المعلومات وتطبيقاته الحديثة في التعليم والبحث العلمي وفي القطاعات المجتمعية المختلفة لمواكبة التنافس المحلي والعالمي وتلبية احتياجات السوق بفعالية.
تقديم برامج أكاديمية وتطبيقية متطورة مدعومة بوسائل تقنية حديثة في مجال نظم المعلومات لاكتساب مهارة التحليل والابتكار وإعداد البرامج التطبيقية لأنظمة المعلومات الحديثة وتحسينها والمساهمة في تطوير المجتمع ونهضة الاقتصاد الوطني، والدخول إلى سوق المنافسة محلياً وإقليمياً وعالمياً، للمساهمة في رفع كفاءة المؤسسات التعليمية والبحثية وحل المشاكل بطرق تقنية وتوظيف التكنولوجيا توظيفاً أمثلاً من خلال البيئة التعليمية والعملية بما يخدم المجتمع المحلي والدولي.

1-    توفير فرص تعليم عالي في مجال نظم المعلومات وفق تطبيقات نظرية وعملية حديثة ومتطورة.

2-    إعداد المتخصصين في انظمة المعلومات الحديثة تلبية للاحتياجات الضرورية وتطبيقاتها العلمية والعملية لدعم المجتمع ومواكبة المجتمعات المتطورة والتي تعتمد على المعلوماتية حيث يعتبر الحاسوب عنصرها الاساسي الاول.

3-    تخريج كفاءات   متميزة تستطيع الخوض في البحث والابتكار وعلى دراية تامة بمعظم علوم الحاسب الآلي ولها القدرة على إعداد البرامج التطبيقية لأنظمة المعلومات الحديثة وتحسينها والمساهمة في تطوير المجتمع ونهضة الاقتصاد الوطني.

4-    تعزيز ثقة الطالب بنفسه وذلك من خلال دمجه في المجتمع عمليا عن طريق إسناد بعض المهام كمكملات دراسية مثل البحوث وورقات العمل.

5-    توظيف منظومات تقنية المعلومات توظيفاً أمثلاً للاستفادة منها في ترسيخ مفهوم الإدارة الإلكترونية والعمل علي تطبيقها بما يخدم المجتمع.

6-    العمل على بناء شراكات وتعاون مع الأقسام الاخرى داخل وخارج الكلية والجامعة بما يسهم في الإستفادة من تطبيق التكنولوجيا الحديثة في البحث العلمي وتحليل البيانات.

7-    المشاركة بشكل فعال في الفعاليات الأكاديمية والعلمية المحلية والدولية وعقد الندوات والمؤتمرات وورش العمل.

8-    توفير بيئة تعليمية وتدريبية داعمة لتزويد الطلاب بالمعرفة النظرية والعملية حسب التخصصات المختلفة داخل الكلية.

استيعاب المفاهيم والقواعد الخاصة بنظم المعلومات واستخداماتها التطبيقية .

القدرة على فهم وتحليل المشاكل العملية بمنظور المعلوماتية المتطورة وإيجاد الحلول المناسبة لها.

المساهمة الفعالة في الرقي بمؤسسات المجتمع بمختلف تخصصاتها في تطبيق انظمة المعلومات الحديثة وتطويعها بما يخدم مفهوم الإدارة الإلكترونية .

تمكين المجتمع والقطاعات الانتاجية من الاستفادة من التطورات التكنولوجية والتحديثات المتعلقة باستخدامات نظم المعلومات والمعارف الحديثة لعلوم الحاسوب وتقنية المعلومات.

نشر الوعي والمعرفة في المجالات الهندسية وتقنية المعلومات بما يساهم في حل المشاكل بالأساليب العلمية المتطورة.

القدرة على توطين البحث العلمي واستنتاج الحلول المناسبة للصعاب التي تواجه الشركات والمؤسسات الوطنية بالطرق والأساليب العلمية الحديثة .

القدرة على توظيف تقنية انظمة المعلومات التوظيف الأمثل في تطبيق مفاهيم الميكنة والتطبيقات الهندسية الملحقة بها.

المشاركة البناءة في تطوير وتحليل انظمة المعلومات والبحث عن حلول لمشاكل الشبكات والأمن من خلال خلق التوازن المناسب بين الاحتياجات الأمنية ، والاهتمامات التجارية ، وكذلك سرية وخصوصية البيانات وتوافر سلامة الانظمة.

القدرة على تحديد وتحليل احتياجات المستخدم وأخذها بعين الاعتبار في اختيار وإنشاء وتقييم وإدارة النظم الحاسوبية تقنية المعلومات.

فتح افاق المنافسة المحفزة للابتكار في مجالات تصميم وتنفيذ وتقييم النظم المعلوماتية وتأسيس العمليات والمكونات والبرامج المناسبة للمهام المحددة، وكذلك تحليل أثر النظم القائمة على التطبيقات المستقبلية المحتملة.

 اكتساب مهارة التعلم من خلال استيعاب تجارب الآخرين والاستفادة منها بصورة علمية والقدرة على تحصيل معارف جديدة في مجال تقنية المعلومات والانخراط في التعلم وتجديد المعارف مدى الحياة والتطوير المهني المستمر.

التحلي بأعلى المعايير الأخلاقية ، و الالتزام بالقواعد التنظيمية للسلوك المهني في الحياة العملية والعلمية المستقبلية .

حرصاً من كلية علوم الحاسوب و تقنية المعلومات بجامعة البحر المتوسط الدولية على تقديم أفضل وأحدث البرامج العلمية في كافة التخصصات، فقد تبنت العديد من الطرق في تقييم ومتابعة جودة البرامج التعليمية المعتمدة على اختلاف مستوياتها وأنواعها. وبشكلٍ خاص فإن برنامج بكالوريوس علوم الحاسوب و تقنية المعلومات يعتمد على التقييم المستمر للبرامج للتأكد من جودتها ومواكبتها للتطورات الحديثة في المجال الأكاديمي والتقني ، ومن ضمن المؤشرات المعتمدة في التقييم ما يلي:

التقييم من خلال التغذية المرتجعة لنتائج استبيان اراء الطلبة لأداء أعضاء هيئة التدريس وملائمة المقررات الدراسية والبرامج التعليمية .

التقييم من خلال تحليل نتائج استبيان تقييم الطلاب للمقررات العلمية والبرامج التعليمية في تغطية مفردات المناهج المقررة.

التقييم من واقع ورش عمل تقام بمعرفة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالقسام العلمية بصورة دورية لتحديد نقاط القوة ونقاط الضعف في البرنامج التعليمي وتعديلها بما يتوافق و الواقع العملي.

التقييم من واقع التغذية المرتجعة لإدارة الكلية وإدارة الجامعة للبرامج التعليمية.

التقييم من واقع تقاريراللجان المختصة بتقييم البرامج العلمية وإجراء التعديلات وفق التطورات العلمية والتقنية والمعايير المتعارف عليها دوليا.

التقييم من خلال التغذية المرتجعة لنتائج تحليل استبيان اراء الخريجين.

وبناءً على المؤشرات المحصلة من النقاط السابقة ، يقوم القسم العلمي باتخاذ الخطوات التالية:

تشكيل لجنة علمية من أساتذة كلية علوم الحاسوب و تقنية المعلومات والتخصصات الاخرى ذات العلاقة بالبحث عن أنسب المُحتويات الدراسية المقررة في جامعات العالم، وتكييفها بما يخدم أغراض العملية التعليمية في البيئة الليبية.

تشكيل لجنة علمية لأغراض التقييم والمراجعة للمناهج المُقترحة من أساتذة متخصصين والعمل على اعتمادها بعد إجراء التعديلات اللازمة.

الإستعانة بالمستشارين والخبراء في مجال إعداد المناهج وأنظمة جودة العملية التعليمية لضمان سلامة وجودة المخرجات التعليمية.

وضع خطة سنوية لمراجعة المناهج وتعديلها وفقا للاحتياجات الملحة كما هو الحال في جامعات الدول المتقدمة.

حرصاً من كلية علوم الحاسوب و تقنية المعلومات بجامعة البحر المتوسط الدولية على تقديم أفضل وأحدث البرامج العلمية في كافة التخصصات، فقد تبنت العديد من الطرق في تقييم ومتابعة جودة البرامج التعليمية المعتمدة على اختلاف مستوياتها وأنواعها. وبشكلٍ خاص فإن برنامج البكالوريوس في علوم الحاسوب يعتمد على التقييم المستمر للبرامج للتأكد من جودتها ومواكبتها للتطورات الحديثة في المجال الأكاديمي والتقني ، ومن ضمن المؤشرات المعتمدة في التقييم ما يلي:

التقييم من خلال التغذية المرتجعة لنتائج استبيان اراء الطلبة لأداء أعضاء هيئة التدريس وملائمة المقررات الدراسية والبرامج التعليمية .

التقييم من خلال تحليل نتائج استبيان تقييم الطلاب للمقررات العلمية والبرامج التعليمية في تغطية مفردات المناهج المقررة.

التقييم من واقع ورش عمل تقام بمعرفة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالقسام العلمية بصورة دورية لتحديد نقاط القوة ونقاط الضعف في البرنامج التعليمي وتعديلها بما يتوافق و الواقع العملي.

التقييم من واقع التغذية المرتجعة لإدارة الكلية وإدارة الجامعة للبرامج التعليمية.

التقييم من واقع تقاريراللجان المختصة بتقييم البرامج العلمية وإجراء التعديلات وفق التطورات العلمية والتقنية والمعايير المتعارف عليها دوليا.

التقييم من خلال التغذية المرتجعة لنتائج تحليل استبيان اراء الخريجين.

وبناءً على المؤشرات المحصلة من النقاط السابقة ، يقوم القسم العلمي باتخاذ الخطوات التالية:

تشكيل لجنة علمية من أساتذة كلية علوم الحاسوب و تقنية المعلومات والتخصصات الاخرى ذات العلاقة بالبحث عن أنسب المُحتويات الدراسية المقررة في جامعات العالم، وتكييفها بما يخدم أغراض العملية التعليمية في البيئة الليبية.

تشكيل لجنة علمية لأغراض التقييم والمراجعة للمناهج المُقترحة من أساتذة متخصصين والعمل على اعتمادها بعد إجراء التعديلات اللازمة.

الإستعانة بالمستشارين والخبراء في مجال إعداد المناهج وأنظمة جودة العملية التعليمية لضمان سلامة وجودة المخرجات التعليمية.

وضع خطة سنوية لمراجعة المناهج وتعديلها وفقا للاحتياجات الملحة كما هو الحال في جامعات الدول المتقدمة.

البرنامج العلمي

First : General Faculty Requirements - 36 Cr .H



Course Name

Course No



Arabic I General


aهذا المقرر يتناول الحديث على اللغة العربية، ويركز على النحو والبلاغة والصرف في المستوى الأول، ولقد حوى الحديث على الكلمة وأقسامها، ثم المعرب والمبني، وأقسام الفعل، والمرفوعات. ثم ذكر البلاغة، وأنواع الأساليب، والتشبيه وأقسامه. كما أنه تطرق إلى بعض النصوص الأدبية ليتمرن الطالب على قراءتها.



Islamic studies


aعدد من الموضوعات تهدف للتعريف بالشريعة الإسلامية السمحة حسب المنهج الوسطي المعتدل البعيد عن التطرف والغلو.



English I for IT I


aEnglish for IT 1 is an ESP course that introduces the students to the language encountered while studying in the field of IT. The course includes readings and vocabulary exercises designed to develop the students’ skills in the English language in general and the language of the professions related to IT, in particular. Students develop their writing skills utilizing the sentence and paragraph structure for a coherent writing.  



English I for IT II


aEnglish for IT 2 is an ESP course that continues to expose the students to the language encountered while studying in the field of IT. The course is a continuation of English for IT1 and includes readings and vocabulary exercises designed to further develop the students’ skills in the English language in general and the language of the professions related to IT, in particular. Grammar, and writing in topics related to IT are also covered.  



Mathematics I


aThe course contains a range of ideas concerning Functions, domain and range of functions, linear functions, polynomials, expositional functions, logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions (trigonometric identities), hyperbolic functions, inverse of trigonometric functions, inverse of hyperbolic functions and derivatives of functions. It also concerning with matrices and its applications, including operations appropriate in specialized applications and Determinants (some properties)and  Inverse of a matrix. The course shows how to formulate algorithms to solve systems of linear equations. It also includes techniques of vector spaces for constructing important mathematical structures, illustrated by examples. Systems of linear equations (Gauss-Jordan elimination, Matrices method, Cramer’s method)



Mathematics II


aThe course contains a range of ideas concerning L’Hospital Rule, Taylor series and Maclaurin series. It also concerning Integral of functions in part (1) (using anti-derivatives). Integration techniques (Substitution technique, Integration by Parts, trigonometric substations, completing the square, partial fractions). Multiple integral (double integrals, triple integrals), applications (area, volumes, moments and center of mass).



Mathematics III


aThe course contains a range of ideas concerning differential equations (Basic concepts, order, degree), first order differential equations and its applications. The course shows how to (separable equations, homogeneous equations, exact equations, linear equations), Special equations (Bernoulli equation). Second order differential equations (finding a particular solution using variation of parameters). Using separation of variables method. Power series solution (around ordinary points, around regular singular points), Bessel equation, Legendre equation. Systems of first order differential equations (writing system of linear first order differential equations in matrix form, solution using Eigen values and eigenvectors). Laplace transform (some examples), inverse Laplace transform, solution of initial value problems using Laplace transform. 



Statistics I


aDefinitions Importance, Scope and Limitations of Statistics – Sources of Data Collection – Classification and Representation of Data Frequency Distribution. Measures of Central Tendency – Measures of Dispersion and Skewness – Ideas about Attributes and Association – Simple Correlation and Simple Regression Permutation and Combinations – Combinatorial problems – Sample Space – Events – Counting of sample points – Classical and Axiomatic definitions of Probability – Marginal and Conditional probability – Baye’s Theorem – Concept of Random Variable Probability Function. Expectation and Variance of Random Variables – Ideas of Bernoulli , Binomial , Poisson and Normal Distributions .



Statistics II


aPopulation, sample and sampling distribution, Point Estimation and Interval Estimation – properties of estimators : Biased and Unbiased Estimators , Consistent , Sufficient and Efficient Estimators – Test of Hypothesis : Null and Alternative hypothesis , Critical Region , Type I and Type ll Errors , Level of Significance , Degree of Freedom , Power of a Test , Test Statistics , One and Two Tailed Tests – Test of Hypothesis Concerning Means , Proportions , Equality of Means and Proportions , variances and Their Interval Estimation – Association of Attributes – Contingency Tables and Test of Independence – Goodness of Fit – Elements of Analysis of variance : One-way and Two-way Classification .



Technical Writing for IT


aIn this course students will become acquainted with the forms, functions and rhetorical lives of technical documents. Students will examine and produce a variety of technical documents



General Physics I


aThe course is designed to meet the needs of student majoring in Engineering , IT and Math. It is introductory courses in Newtonian mechanics with topics include: Vectors, motion in one dimension, motion in a plane, Newton’s laws, work and energy, potential energy, momentum, Kinematics of rotational motion, dynamics of rotational motion, elasticity, and fluid mechanics.



Research methodology and skills


aThis course prepares students to conduct research in Computer Science & information technology. The course involves multiple topics including time management, writing and presentation skills, and general considerations for experiment design and planning. It introduces students to  concepts, methods, and techniques associated with Computer Sciences research in general. It covers oral and written communication skills. These Skills and knowledge gained from this course will prepare students to conduct and to communicate their own research, as well as to be knowledgeable consumers of others’ research.

Total 36

Second : Compulsory Faculty Requirements - 42 Cr .H



Course Name

Course No



Introduction to Computer Science & IT


Understand the history of how computer technology unfolded, with particular emphasis on the “generations”. Understand how people and events affected the development of computers. Identify the basic components of computer system: input, processing, output and storage. Understand the difference between the difference types of software. Identify the components of the central processing unit and how they work together to form a system and interact with memory. Appreciate the need for the different applications included in the accessories of an Operating System. Know how the commands work in both GUI (Graphical User Interface) and CUI (Character User Interface) environment. 



Introduction to computer Programming


This course is to provide an introduction to basic programming techniques including the following: Problem solving skills. Understand flowcharting tools. Use the proper tool for proper operation. Learn the necessary properties of algorithms: input, output, definiteness, correctness, finiteness, effectiveness, and generality. Understand how to analyze the given problem scientifically and not by intuition. Understand how to write an algorithm to solve a given problem. Convert the algorithm into flowchart and ultimately to a given programming language. Introduction to program design and problem solving using the C programming language. 



C- Programming


Review to program design and problem solving using the C programming language. Programming topics include control structures, functions, arrays, pointers, and file I/O. Control Statements Algorithms Pseudo-code, Selection Statement Repetition Statement Formulating Algorithms Compound Assignment Operators, Primitive data Types, Repetition Statement, Multiple-Selection Statement, Logical Operators. Functions Program Modules in C Declaring and using Functions Passing arguments by values and by reference Recursive functions Argument Promotion and Casting Math library functions Scope of Declarations. Arrays Declaring and Creating Arrays Examples Using Arrays Passing Arrays to Methods Multidimensional Arrays. Pointers and Strings Introduction to pointers and pointer arithmetic. Directly and indirectly referencing a variable Pointer operators & and * Pass-by-reference with pointer arguments Introduction to Strings and String manipulations Library string manipulation functions. 



Digital and Logic Design


To learn and understand basic digital design techniques. Distinguish between a variety of decimal and alphanumeric codes. Acquire sound knowledge in the key principles and practices used in the design and analysis of a digital computer. Analyze related combinational circuits. Discuss the issues involved in hardware or software implementation of an instruction in a digital computer instruction set. Comprehend in-depth knowledge of advanced digital design principles and practice in real-world applications. Make an analysis and synthesis of sequential switching circuits



Object Oriented Programming I +Lab


Introduction. OOP Programming basics. Functions. Classes and Objects. Constructor and Destructor. Inheritance: Derived class. Virtual Function, Files



Network Fundamentals


The course covers network systems (interconnects and switch fabrics, network considerations) and relevant networking applications at the network, transport and application layer. 



Discrete Math and Structures


Understand basics of Logic design techniques. Acquire sound knowledge in the key principles and practices used in the design and analysis of computer logic. Analyze related sequential circuits. Understand the different types of Flip-Flops. Understand the operation and characteristics of Synchronous and Asynchronous counters. Recognize and understand the operation of various types of registers. Distinguish among the various types of memories. Describe the difference between read/write operations. Describe the components of microprocessor.



Computer Architecture


Introduction to Computer Organization & Architecture: Types of Computers, Processors. Primary and Secondary Memory I/O Devices. Digital Logic Circuits and Components: Digital Logic Circuits, Boolean Algebra K. Map simplifications. Combinational Circuits, Sequential Circuits. Data Representation: Data Types Complements. Fixed, Floating point representation. Binary Codes, Error detection Codes. Central Processing Unit: Register Organization .Stack Organization, Instructions Formats. Addressing, RISC . Overview of Pipeline and Vector Processing. The Instruction Set Architecture Level: Data Types, Instruction Formats Input Output Organization: IO interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of Transfer. Memory Organization: Main memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache.

50210 + 50112


Data Structures and Algorithms


Data structures is an essential area of study for computer scientists and for anyone who will ever undertake a serious programming course. Use and implement fundamental data structures including stacks, queues, priority queues, lists, trees and hash tables. Use specified programming tool to develop and implement computer-based solutions to problems. Develop software by using different data structures studied. Learn to implement search and sorting algorithms including the quick sort, the heap sort and hashing. Learn to use recursion to solve problems. Do a Big-Oh analysis for their implementations of basic data structures.



Object Oriented Programming II +Lab


Review of Object-Oriented Programming: Objects, Classes, Functions, Properties and Methods Review of Problem Solving, Algorithm Development, Control Structures, Arithmetic Expressions, Logic, Variables, Constants, and Primitive Data Types Abstract Data Types Data Structures: Sequential and Random-Access Files, Pointers & Lists, Stacks & Queues, Trees & Graphs Manipulating Data Using Methods Decision Making and Repetition with Reusable Objects Sorting and Searching Algorithms Templates & Standard Containers Using Collections and Strings in a Reusable Class Arrays & Vectors, Understanding Abstract Classes and Interfaces Interactive Objects, Scripts, Hyperlinks, & Event Handling Accessing Databases



Computer Security and Privacy


Introduction to Computer Security and Privacy: The meaning of computer security, Comparing security with privacy . Types of threats and attacks, Methods of defense. Program Security: Secure programs, Non malicious program errors, Malicious code. Controls against program threats. Operating System Security: Methods of protection. Access control, User authentication. Network Security: Network threats, Firewalls. Intrusion detection systems: Internet Application Security and Privacy: Basics of cryptography. Security and Privacy for Internet Applications. Database Security and Privacy: Security and privacy requirements: Reliability, Integrity, Privacy, Inference, Data mining, K-anonymity. Non-technical Aspects: Administration of security systems, Policies, Physical security, Economics of security, Legal   and Ethical issues.



Database Systems


In this course students should become familiar with designing database systems for business applications, and should become familiar with commercially available relational database technology. By the end of this course, the student will be able to: Understand the basic concepts, task, methods, and techniques in designing a database. Develop an understanding of the database designing process. Develop the ability to conceptualize the problem at hand. Learn the different Architecture of DBMS. Apply techniques for the design of a database system. Learn some of the appropriate design techniques. Develop the ability to select appropriate DBMS to the solution of the problem at hand.



Operating Systems


This course serves the following purposes: To have a thorough knowledge of processes, scheduling concepts, memory management, I/O and file systems in an operating system. To have an overview of different types of operating systems. To know the components of an operating system. To have a thorough knowledge of process management. To have a thorough knowledge of storage management. To know the concepts of I/O and file systems. 



Computing Ethics & Society


This course concern with Computing as a Profession. Philosophical framework and Computer Ethics. Ethical issues in cyberspace. Theory of Justice, and Virtue Ethics); Applied Ethics, Computer Ethics. Personal data privacy in cyberspace.  Copyright and intellectual property rights in cyberspace. Methods and Tools for Ethical Analysis 

Total 42

Third: Advance Compulsory Faculty Requirements - 6 Cr .H

After 90 H




Field training is an integral part of the academic program the IT department, where students are required to work for a certain period in one of the government or private enterprises concerned information services in a government institution or quasi-governmental or private approved by the college plan part. So as to equip them with practical experience in the areas of specialization. Of field training for a full semester (six hours, twice a week throughout the semester). Under the student training period specified in the work site.

After 96 H


Graduation Project


The final year projects course  after finished 100 h,  Students are expected to select topics of their projects and submit a project report on completion of the project. They are expected to do a presentation and perform a working demonstration of their selected project. This module will give students skills and experience in doing either an individual project or a group project

Fourth: Compulsory Computer Science Department Requirements - 42 Cr .H



Foundation of Information Systems


This course is designed to give surveys of important concepts related to information systems and how these systems are used throughout global organizations. Topics include data and information differences between them, information quality, the major parts of an Information System (Hardware, Software, Database, Network and People), as well as special topics in information systems including role of Information System for competitive advantage, information system in organizations, administrative information system and its types, internet and world wide technologies and major ethical issues in the digital world. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the implications of how IS provides a competitive advantage, and students will gain an understanding of how information enables improvement in quality and speed in organization.



Foundation of Software Engineering


This course is aimed at helping students build up an understanding of how to develop a software system from scratch by guiding them thru the development process and giving them, the fundamental principles of system development with object oriented technology using UML. The course will initiate students to the different software process models, project management, software requirements engineering process, systems analysis and design as a problem-solving activity, key elements of analysis and design, and the place of the analysis and design phases within the system development life cycle.



Software Requirements


Techniques for eliciting requirements. Languages and models for representing requirements. Analysis and validation techniques, including need, goal and use-case analysis. Requirements in the context of system engineering. Specifying and measuring external qualities: performance, reliability, availability, safety, security, etc. Specifying and analyzing requirements for various types of systems: embedded systems, consumer systems, web-based systems, business systems, and systems for scientists and other engineers. Resolving feature interactions. Requirements documentation standards. Traceability. Human factors. Requirements in the context agile processes. Requirements management: Handling requirements changes.



Human Computer Interaction


The study of human-computer interaction enables system architects to design useful, efficient, and enjoyable computer interfaces. This course teaches the theory, design procedure, and programming practices behind effective human interaction with computers, and – a particular focus this quarter: smart phones and tablets. We will examine interaction design, implementation, and evaluation. The design process requires a solid understanding of the theory behind successful human-computer interaction, as well as an awareness of established procedures for good user interface design, including the ‘usability engineering’ process. Iterative evaluation is an important aspect of this procedure, and we will learn and practice prototyping and evaluation using scenario-based case studies. We will look at specific interface success stories and spectacular failures to learn from past experiences. Students will apply their gained knowledge in a series of practical assignments using the Android ecosystem that highlight selected portions of the design cycle, as well as familiarize them with sound programming practices and effective tools and techniques to create successful user interfaces. The course will also touch upon novel interfaces that go beyond what we normally see in today’s graphical user interfaces



Financial Accounting


This course introduces basic concepts of accounting principles for a business. Topics include the basic financial statements, accounting equations, accounting cycle and financial assets.  Upon completion, students should be able to understand accounting principles and apply those skills to a business organization.



Organizational Behavior


This course explains how interactions among people occur in the workplace. The course provides the tools to understand and evaluate individual and group behavior, organizational processes in the workplace, the various leadership styles and conflict management strategies used in organizations. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the implications of organizational behavior in the process of management and evaluate the basic elements of organizational structure and its role on employees and organizations.



Systems Analysis and Design


Develop an understanding of the role of information systems in modern organizations. Define the systems analyst’s role and responsibilities in a typical organization. Describe different lifecycle models and explain the contribution of the systems analysis and design within them. Become familiar with a variety of information systems analysis and problem-solving tools and approaches. Understand the traditional and RAD (Rapid Application Development) systems development methodologies. Gain an insight of traditional analysis and design techniques: entity-relationship diagrams, data flow diagrams, and data dictionaries. Learn to use prototyping in the analysis and design phases of systems development. Learn to do project planning: defining the scope, purpose and activities of a project



Internet and Web Programming


This course has a practical emphasis on the design and techniques for developing internet-based applications, mainly focusing on web programming. Topics include HTML, client-side scripting language (JavaScript), server-side programming (Servlets, JSP, and J2EE), and XML/web services. This course will also cover some important topics needed for internet-based application developments, such as Internet architectures and web security. Course work includes substantial programming homework and team-based projects 



IS Project Management


The course introduces a methodologies for managing the IS project starting from initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and in the last closing the projects. Topics include project management lifecycle, managing project teams as a support group collaboration, managing project communication, project initiation and planning, managing project (scope, scheduling, resources, quality, control and risks), project (execution, control and closure). Upon completion, students should be able to understand the techniques and methods needed to manage information systems projects and all details related of project management issues in both, within, as well as outside the organization.



Enterprise Systems Concepts and Practice


This course is designed to give both, a foundation of enterprise systems and on the other hand Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as a practice for these systems. So, this course is viewed as a combination of enterprise systems practice and technology.

Some important issues related to enterprise systems are given and how these systems help large and small-to-medium organizations by integrating various applications into a single package which helps in different types of business processes. In addition, the course introduces topics including ERP Solutions, ERP Components, Role of ERP, Reengineering, Business Process Reengineering, ERP Life Cycle, ERP Implementation and Vendors. Basic concepts of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems are given as other business process applications.




Software design


 The main purpose of course is to develop thorough understanding of students towards software design.  This course focuses on techniques for software design in the development of large and complex software systems. Topics will include software architecture, modeling (including UML), object-oriented design patterns, and processes for carrying out analysis and design. More advanced or recent developments may be included at the instructor’s discretion. The course will balance an emphasis on design principles with an understanding of how to apply techniques and methods to create successful software systems. This course Introduces principles and practices of software development. Includes instruction in critical thinking, problem solving skills, and essential programming logic in structured and object- oriented design using contemporary tools. 



Advanced Database


This module aims to give students in depth information about system implementation techniques, data storage, representing data elements, database system architecture, the system catalog, query processing and optimization, transaction processing concepts, concurrency control techniques, database recovery techniques, database security and authorization, enhanced data models for advanced applications, temporal databases, deductive databases, database technology for decision support systems, distributed databases and client server architecture, advanced database concepts, and emerging technologies and applications.



E-Commerce Technology & E-marketing


 This course provides the learner with an overview of the basic principles of electronic commerce and the related concepts, which are reflected in current environment of the global economy. In the course, the student will develop a deeper understanding of the critical attributes of a successful participant in today’s ever-changing markets. During this course the learner will utilize fundamental concepts learned in economic and marketing classes, integrated with computer skills to create an online business. Included in the content of this course will are current issues related to the electronic commerce issues. Security, digital money, and the evolving internet will be among some of these issues.



Decision Support Systems


The course introduces the Decision Support Systems (DSS) and explain how the importance of use of these systems in the organizations. Topics include decision making and computerized support, collaboration, communication, enterprise decision support systems, knowledge management, implementation, integration and impacts. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the techniques needed to support the decision making process and manage the flow of information in the context of decision support.

Total 42

Fifth: Elective Information Systems Department Requirements - 9 Cr .H

Students are required to select three courses (9 Cr. H.) from the Information system Department or from the available elective courses from the other departments.



Principles of Marketing


This course introduces basic concepts of marketing and differences between selling and marketing. Important topics include levels of marketing systems, strategy development and market planning, environment of marketing and marketing research. Upon completion, students should be able to apply marketing strategies related to the purchase decision, managing of market research and understand organizational buying behavior and the roles in the buying center.



Advanced Marketing


This course is designed to give explains to evaluate and make decisions in marketing field. Topics include new product development and issues of decisions (promotion, pricing and distribution), advertising, sales management, wholesaling, retailing. As well as special topics in online marketing, concepts of e-commerce, benefits of internet retailing and e-marketing. Upon completion, students should be able to apply strategies related to marketing decisions and understanding of how these strategies help to improvement marketing processes, , and students will gain of how managing sales , pricing , distributions, development of new product and development of marketing communication.



AdvanPrinciples of Business Administrationced Marketing


يهدف هذا المقرر الى تكوين معرفة والمام بتطور الفكر الإداري من خلال التعرف على مفهوم الإدارة وطبيعتها، ومبادئها، بصورة شاملة من تخطيط وتنظيم وتوجيه ورقابة، ومن ثم الوصول الي اتخاذ القرارات الادارية الرشيدة والموضوعية.



Supply Chain Management


This course introduces basic concepts of relations of product, market, and customers and the ability to design and implement supply chains. Topics include definition of SCM, development chain, evolution of SCM, complexity of SCM, inventory management & risk pooling, supply contracts, the value of Information, supply chain integration, distribution strategies, strategic alliances, procurement and outsourcing strategies, global logistics and risk management. Upon completion, students should be able to manage the flow of information and supply chain strategies and practices related to the management of: revenues, stock of physical resources, risks, inventory, contracting.



Human Resource Management


This course introduces the role of managing people in organizations and the role played by human resource professionally as a strategic partner in management. Upon completion, students should be able to understand important HRM technics and apply this knowledge to provide the solutions for practical human resource problems.

90 credit Hrs


Special topics in Information Systems


Specialized study within an area of Information Systems, guided by a supervisor. Topics include theoretical and applied aspects of Information Systems. Combines guided reading and research with a significant individual or group project component.
